In spatiul de mai jos invitam artisti, care doresc sa stabileasca o legatura cu cititorii nostri interesati de arta, sa-si expuna creatiile.

Trimiteti la adresa noastra de email intre doua si patru dintre lucrarile Dumneavoastra in format pdf sau jpg la dimensiunea de 200 x 160,  iar noi le vom publica GRATUIT timp de o luna de zile. Va rugam nu ne trimiteti alte dimensiuni decat cele de 200 x 160 pixels. Dupa aceasta luna va asteptam cu alte lucrari care sa le inlocuiasca pe cele vechi. Noile lucrari vor beneficia deasemenea de gratuitate.

Fiecare lucrare va fi postata, ca avand caracteristicile unui banner pe care privitorul va da click.  Astfel se va constitui o punte de legatura intre cel interesat si site-ul personal al artistului.

Suntem bucurosi sa fim gazdele Dumneavoastra.


In the space below, we invite the artists who want to make a connection with our readers to present their creations.

Send to our email address between two or four of your paintings in pdf or jpg form, size 200 x 160 pixels, and we will publish them for one month for FREE. Please do not send to us other sizes than 200 x 160 pixels. After one month, please send new paintings which will replace the old ones. Also, the new creations will benefit from free publication.

Every single painting will be posted like a banner. The viewer will click on it, and this will be a link between the customers and the artist website.   

We are happy to be your hosts.